What is ORCID?
A long-standing problem for researchers as they have progressed through their careers is ensuring that their various activities (publications, grants, employment record…) are coupled to themselves; this has been particularly problematic for those with “common” names who have changed affiliation a number of times.
By using a unique identifier such as ORCID one can make sure all publications are coupled to the correct author.
ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID) is a global register where researchers get a unique identifier for use in most aspects of their professional activity. Many journals already make use of these IDs as are the larger international funders. In Sweden, Vetenskapsrådet and the other larger funders are in the process of building up an application system based on ORCID.
At LiU, ORCID can be included with publications registered in DiVA and behind the scenes, we have the tools to couple your ORCID to all of your registered publications (i.e. retroactively).
We recommend that LiU-researchers register themselves at ORCID to get an ID and then send that to E-press.
How to get an ORCID:
- Go to https://orcid.org
- Click on “Register now” (direct link: https://orcid.org/register)
- Fill in your name, email address etc.
Send us your ORCID (a 16-digit number, often presented as a link: e.g. https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3993-9985 (it is the number that is your ORCID)), ep@ep.liu.se. To make life easiest for us, include your LiU-ID. We will then see that your ORCID is added to all your DiVA posts.
- Start using your ORCID when submitting articles to journals and in grant applications.